

Nicolas Mateesco Matte, Knight of the National Order of Quebec

Published: 3 July 2008

Professor Nicolas Mateesco Matte, CQ, was decorated Knight of the National Order of Quebec during a ceremony held on June 18 at the Parliament building of the Quebec Legislative Assembly. At a luncheon hosted by the Permanent Canadian Representative for the International Civil Aviation Agency in Montreal on June 25, Professor Matte was honoured by members of the international aviation community on the occasion of this appointment.

Between 1976 and 1991, Nicolas Mateesco Matte acted as Director of the Institute for Air and Space Law (IASL) at 海角社区, creating a Research Centre in 1976 as well as founding the Annals of Air and Space Law / Annales de droit a茅rien et spatial, a periodical that has acquired global recognition and which he headed up for 15 years. He is currently Director Emeritus of the Institute.

Instituted in 1984, the National Order of Quebec is one of the most prestigious honours bestowed by the Quebec government and pays tribute to Quebecers who have made significant contributions to the province鈥檚 progress and influence.

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