

REMINDER - OIIQ Immatriculation for U1 BSc(N) students entering clinical sites in January 2010

Published: 8 December 2009

Prior to entering clinical sites, U1 Bachelor of Science (Nursing) students must be registered with the OIIQ for Immatriculation. This should be done by December 15th.

Please refer to the email sent by Céline Arseneault (undergraduate.nursing [at] mcgill.ca) on December 3, 2009 for complete details.

N.B.  If a student  is already registered for immatriculation with the OIIQ and can show proof of this to the clinical instructor, everything should be fine.  By registering after December 15th, students risk not receiving proof of immatriculation on time – students should check with the OIIQ to make sure that they can receive the document prior to the first clinical course.

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