BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250314T072313EDT-16543aVh6W@ DTSTAMP:20250314T112313Z DESCRIPTION:Brandy Aven\n\nCarnegie Mellon University\n\nROLE REVERSAL: WHY STRUCTURAL DIVERSITY\, NOT JUST DEMOGRAPHICS\, DRIVES TEAM SUCCESS \n\nDa te: Friday\,聽January 17\, 2025\n Time: 10:30 AM -12:00 PM\n Location: Armstr ong 155A\n\nAll are cordially invited to attend.\n\n\nAbstract:\n\nResearc h on team diversity focuses on demographic or functional differences among members and often points to members鈥� network variations as the main expla natory mechanism. Yet\, these studies neglect to measure and account for s ocial network roles as originally conceived by network scholars. Adopting the measure of brokerage role diversity (BRD)\, which is characterized by variations in team members鈥� brokering capabilities in inter-team networks\ , we contend that it provides a more proximal measure of the performance b enefits for diverse teams. While BRD enhances performance by integrating r esources from brokers and non-brokers\, it can also create collaboration c hallenges due to competing external pressures and expectations. Analyzing five years of archival data from an international consulting firm\, encomp assing 60\,088 employees and 26\,855 projects\, our results demonstrate th at teams with high BRD not only achieved higher profits but also secured m ore follow-on client business\, particularly when team members had prior e xperience with high BRD teams. These findings highlight the importance of structural roles in leveraging team diversity for improved performance in knowledge-intensive work.\n DTSTART:20250117T153000Z DTEND:20250117T170000Z LOCATION:Room 155A\, Donald E. Armstrong Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3 A 3L1\, 3420 rue McTavish SUMMARY:Organizational Behavior Area Virtual Research Seminar Series: Brand y Aven URL:/channels/channels/event/organizational-behavior-a rea-virtual-research-seminar-series-brandy-aven-362483 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR