
Meet Some of Our Students

Rozita Alaluf

Hometown: Izmir, Turkey
Minor: Psychology and International Development
Language: French
Internship: Turkey

Waters Cahill

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Minor: Political Economy
Language: French
Internship: Credit Department Intern, Libertyville Bank & Trust

Andrea Das-Wieczorek

Hometown: Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Minor: International Relations

Alice French

Hometown: Marlborough, UK
Minor: International Development Studies
Language: Italian
Internship: Research Assistant

Matthew Hunter

Hometown: Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
Minor: Geography
Concentration: Marketing
Language: French

Joanna Klimczak

Hometown: Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada
Minors: Economics, Hispanic Language

Shazia Shariff

Hometown: Bungoma, Kenya
Minor: Political Science
Languages: French and Spanish

Jeremy Singer

Hometown: Demarest, New Jersey, USA
Minor: North American History
Language: French
Internship: USA

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