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Update regarding Expense Reports, Advances and Payment Requests

Published: 18 March 2020


Please see below for updated processes regarding expense reports, advances and payment requests:

Expense Reports and Advances:

  • We are committed in ensuring that our Faculty, Staff and Students are not out of pocket.

  • As such, if an Expense Report can not be created in Minerva nor sent via email, an Advance can be created in Minerva payable to the Claimant for the value of the Expense Report.

  • The Claimant will need to account for this Advance by submitting an Expense Report once normal operational services have resumed.

  • All newly created Advances and Expense reports can be sent as .pdf documents to the respective FSTs (if applicable) and/or Travel Desk (traveldeskhelp.acct [at] mgill.ca)

  • The Advance/Expense Report must include the digital or email approval as well as the scanned back-up/receipts.

  • Please retain all original copies as they will need to be mailed to the Travel Desk once normal operational services have resumed.

  • For email approvals, the following template can be sent to the Approver:

Please approve the following by replying to this email:

Request for Expense Reimbursement




FOAPAL distribution:

Fund 1:

Amount 1: $

Fund 2:

Amount 2: $


I certify that I have reviewed the attached expense report #00xxxxxx and that all expenses are legitimate, appropriate, reasonable, for University purposes only, are in accordance with University policy, are charged to the correct FOAPAL(s), and where applicable, conform to granting agency regulations and relate to research for which the grant/contract was awarded.

Payment Requests:

  • All newly created Payment Requests can be sent as .pdf documents to anita.recchilungo [at] mcgill.ca with a c.c. to: Kimberley-ann.renaud [at] mcgill.ca

  • The Payment Request must include the digital or email approval as well as the scanned back-up/receipts.

  • For email approvals, the Approver must include the following:


I certify that I have reviewed the attached Payment Request and that all expenses are legitimate, appropriate, reasonable, for University purposes only, are in accordance with University policy, are charged to the correct FOAPAL(s), and where applicable, conform to granting agency regulations and relate to research for which the grant/contract was awarded.

[Message sent out over the FIS listserv]

Questions? For Help?

  • Finance Help Desk at Fishelp.acct [at] mcgill.ca or by phone at x.3463.

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