
Dan Mateescu


Emeritus Professor

Doctor Honoris Causa, FCASI, AFAIAA, Erskine Fellow

Ph.D. Romanian Academy of Sciences

M.Eng. University Politehnica of Bucharest

Macdonald Engineering Building, Rm听460听Map

External Website

514-398-6284 [office]

514-398-7365 [Fax]

dan.mateescu [at] mcgill.ca (Email)

Research Interests and Expertise

Primary Research Theme: Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Secondary Research Theme: Aeroelasticity, Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow-Induced Vibrations

  • Aerodynamics of airfoils, wings and aeronautical configurations in subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows.
  • Unsteady aerodynamics of oscillating airfoils and wings in incompressible and compressible flows.
  • Aerodynamics of airfoils and wings at low Reynolds numbers for unmanned and micro-aerial vehicles.
  • Study of aerodynamic problems of unspecified geometry: adaptive and flexible airfoils and wings, jet flaps, compliant surfaces, nozzle design.
  • Development of numerical methods for aerodynamic problems based on finite volume, finite difference and hybrid spectral formulations and Lagrangian methods.
  • Study of aerodynamic interaction problems (ground effect, wing-tail interaction, wind tunnel wall effect).
  • Study of unsteady confined flows with oscillating boundaries and variable inflow velocity.
  • Steady and unsteady fluid-structure interaction and dynamics of structures subjected to unsteady flows.
  • Aeroelastic oscillations of structures (use of piezoelectric actuators and sensors to prevent structural instabilities and to detect cracks in the structure).
  • Atmospheric flight for space missions and aero-gravity assist.

Current Research Projects

  • Analysis of unsteady flows past airfoils and wings at low Reynolds numbers.
  • Study of aerodynamic interactions between wings executing pitching and flexural oscillations.
  • Study of aeroelastic oscillations of damaged aircraft structures in subsonic and supersonic flows for structural health monitoring.
  • Control of aeroelastic oscillations of aircraft structures using piezoelectric sensors and actuators.
  • Analysis of three-dimensional confined flows with variable inflow velocity and oscillating walls.
  • Study of unsteady flows past oscillating lifting systems in the proximity of the ground and in wind tunnels.

Six selected journal papers (from over 250 scientific papers and reports)

  • D. Mateescu. Theoretical solutions for unsteady compressible subsonic flows past oscillating rigid and flexible airfoils. Mathematics in Engineering Science and Aerospace (Cambridge Scientific Publication), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, pp. 1-27.
  • D. Mateescu and M. Abdo. Analysis of the flow past airfoils at very low Reynolds numbers. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2010, Vol. 224, July, pp. 757-775.
  • D. Mateescu, M. Munoz and O. Scholz. Analysis of unsteady confined viscous flows with variable inflow velocity and oscillating walls. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2010 , Vol. 132, April, 041105, pp. 1-9.
  • D. Mateescu and M. Abdo. Efficient second-order analytical solutions for airfoils in subsonic flows. Aerospace Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 9, 2005, pp. 101-115.
  • D. Mateescu. Analysis of aerodynamic problems with geometrically unspecified boundaries using an enhanced Lagrangian method. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 17, 4, Apr.-May. 2003. pp. 603-626.
  • D. Mateescu, T. Pottier, L. Perotin and S. Granger. Three-dimensional unsteady flows between oscillating eccentric cylinders by an enhanced hybrid spectral method. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 9, No. 6, 1995, pp. 671-695.


MECH 533 Subsonic Aerodynamics
MECH 537 course description not available
MECH 538 course description not available
MECH 539 Computational Aerodynamics
MECH 620 course description not available

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