Post-conference news:
For photos from this event see .听 A was held at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Conference schedule
Thursday May 10, 2018
10:45-11 am
Opening remarks: Jacob T. Levy, 海角社区
11 am- 12:45 pm
Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka, Queen's: Theories of Justice, the Strains of Commitment, and Realistic Utopias
Suzanne Dovi, Arizona: The Four Janus-Faces Of Misogyny: Or How To Measure Bad Behavior?
David Wiens, UCSD: Ideal Theories in Political Science: Lessons from Game Theory and Statistics
Chair/ discussant: Catherine Lu, 海角社区
2-3:45 pm
Jenna Bednar, Michigan: Federalism as a Mechanism of Collective Problem Solving
Michael Neblo, Ohio State: Building a Directly Representative Democracy
Jack Knight, Duke and Melissa Schwartzberg, NYU: The Moral Limits of Bargaining
Chair/ discussant: Rob Reich, Stanford
4:15-6 pm
Samuel Bagg, 海角社区: Beyond Collective Self-Rule: Towards A Realistic Defense of Democracy
Menaka Philips, Tulane, and Jennifer Forestal, Stockton: "Democracy Dies in Darkness": Anonymity, Accountability, and Information as a Public Good
Andrew Sabl, Yale/Toronto: The Strange Career of Aggregative Democracy
Chair/ discussant: Rogers Smith, University of Pennsylvania
6-6:15 pm
Reflections: Rogers Smith, University of Pennsylvania, and President-Elect, American Political Science Association
6:15-7:15 pm
Reception in celebration of the awarding of the 2018 Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science to Jane Mansbridge
Sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Political Science, 海角社区
Friday May 11
9 am
Opening remarks: Jane Mansbridge, Harvard
9:15-11 am
Federica Carugati, Indiana: Tradeoffs of Inclusion: Development Before Liberalism
David Stasavage, NYU: Origins of Early Democracy
Josiah Ober, Stanford: Rationality and the origins of social cooperation in Greek thought
Chair/ discussant: Christa Scholtz, 海角社区
11:15 am - 1 pm: Graduate student panel
Aberdeen Berry, 海角社区: Arendtian Judgment and Pluralism
Alec Crisman, 海角社区: Instrumentalism and the Space of Non-Democracy
Vertika: Seeking Agency in the Interstices of Power
Chair/ discussant: Jane Mansbridge, Harvard
2:30-4:15 pm
William Roberts, 海角社区: Ideologies of domination and democratic theory
Deva Woodly, New School: From Idea To Ideology
Laurel Weldon, Purdue: Active Solidarity: Strategies For Transnational Political Cooperation In Contexts Of Difference, Domination And Distrust
Chair/ discussant: Kelly Gordon, 海角社区
4:15-4:30 pm
Reflections: Melissa Schwartzberg, NYU
Saturday May 12
9-11 am
Sean Ingham, UCSD: Rule by Multiple Majorities: A New Theory of Popular Control
Mariah Zeisberg, Michigan: A New Political Jurisprudence
Daniel Weinstock, 海角社区: The Political Theory of Really Existing Democracies: The Case of Electoral Reform
Barry Weingast, Stanford: Should Majoritarians Embrace Countermajoritarian Constitutional Provisions?
Chair/ discussant: Victor Mu帽iz-Fraticelli, 海角社区
11:15 am - 1 pm
Kevin Elliott, Columbia: The Uses and Abuses of Public Opinion in Political Theory
Alison McQueen, Lisa Blaydes and Justin Grimmer, Stanford: Mirrors for Princes and Sultans
Arash Abizadeh, 海角社区: Representation, Bicameralism, and Sortition
Chair/ discussant: Edana Beauvais, 海角社区
1-1:15 pm
Closing remarks: Josiah Ober, Stanford
Conference co-chairs: Jacob T. Levy (海角社区), Josiah Ober (Stanford), Melissa Schwartzberg (NYU)
A conference of the Research Group on Constitutional Studies, a unit of the Yan P. Lin Centre for the Study of Freedom and Global Orders in the Ancient and Modern Worlds at 海角社区, and the Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique.
This conference is made possible by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the John Templeton Foundation.
With additional support from the 海角社区 Department of Political Science, the Centre de Recherche en 脡thique, and the Research Group on Global Justice of the Lin Centre.