What the student will need to complete this form
If you are completing an NSERC USRA application, this will be very similar.
For SURA Application Form, Part 1, Student:
- Name
- 海角社区 ID
- 海角社区 email address
- Phone number (Optional)
- Whether you are also applying to NSERC USRA
- Degree and faculty
- Expected date of completion of studies
- Summer courses: if you are thinking of taking them; how many courses/credits; whether you have discussed this with your proposed supervisor
- Additional information about your transcript or academic results, if necessary (Optional; neither necessary nor expected)
- Proposed supervisor's name
- Proposed supervisor's department
- Scholarships, other awards: Award names, with start and end dates (Optional)
- Extra-curricular activities: Start Date - End Date; Organization; Role or title. (Optional)
- Acceptance of the terms of this award