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F. Tomaiuolo, M. Scapin, M. Di Paola, P. Le Nezet, L. Fadda, M. Musicco, C. Caltagirone, and D.L. Collins, "Gross anatomy of the corpus callosum in alzheimer's disease: regions of degeneration and their neuropsychological correlates," Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 96-103, 2007.

N.E. van Haren, H.E. Hulshoff Pol, H.G. Schnack, W. Cahn, R.C. Mandl, D.L. Collins, A.C. Evans, and R.S. Kahn, "Focal gray matter changes in schizophrenia across the course of the illness: A 5 -year follow-up study," Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 2057-66, 2007.

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Khojasteh E. & H.L. Galiana, Modulation of vergence during the vestibulo-ocular reflex, Proc. 29thth Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Lyon France, Aug 23-26, pp. 5377-5380, 2007.


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Dziong D, Bagnaninchi PO, Kearney RE, Tabrizian M (2007) Nondestructive Online In Vitro Monitoring of Pre-Osteoblast Cell Proliferation Within Microporous Polymer Scaffolds, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 6: 249-258

Warrick PA, Kearney RE, Precup D, Hamilton EF (2007) Low-order parametric system identification for intrapartum uterine pressure-fetal heart rate interaction. In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France

Zhao Y, Kearney RE (2007) Closed-loop System Identification of Ankle Dynamics With A Compliant Load. In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France

Yanofsky C, Kearney RE, Lesimple S, Bergeron J, Boismenu D, Carrillo B, Bell A (2007) Quantification of uncertainty of peptide retention time predictions from a sequence-based model in LC-MS/MS proteomics experiments In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France

Warrick P, Kearney R, Precup D, Hamilton E (2007) Time progression of a parametric impulse response function estimate from intra-partum cardiotocography for normal and hypoxic fetuses. In: Computers in Cardiology, Durham, North Carolina, 30 September - 3 October, 2007


"Fluorescence intensity and intermittency as tools for tracking bioconjugate processing in living cells," R. Khatchadourian, S. Clarke, A. Bachir, P. Wiseman, and J. Nadeau, J Biomed Biotech 2007:70145

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"Fluorescence Intermittency Limits Brightness in CdSe/ZnS Nanoparticles Quantified by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy," Jennifer A. Rochira, Manasa V. Gudheti, Ryan R. Laughlin, Jay L. Nadeau, and Samuel T. Hess, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (4): 1695-1708 (2007)

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"Quantum dot systems for specific biosensing applications," J. L. Nadeau, S. J. Clarke, C. A. Hollmann, D. Bahcheli, R. Khatchadourian, A. Bachir, P. Wiseman, Photonics West, San Jose, 2007, Proc. SPIE 6448


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Pruessner M, Pruessner JC, Hellhammer DH, Pike GB, Lupien SJ. The Associations Among Hippocampal Volume, Cortisol Reactivity, and Memory Performance in Young Healthy Men. Psychiatry Research15:155(1):1-10, May 2007.

Klepousniotou E, Gracco V, Pike GB. Assessing Metaphorical Language Processing in Normal and Brain-Damaged Populations. Ninth European Association of Psychological Assessment and Second International Conference on Psychological Assessment of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 3-6, 2007.

Descoteaux M, Savadjiev P, Campbell J, Pike GB, Siddiqi K, Deriche R. Validation and Comparison of Analytical Q-Ball Imaging Methods. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington, DC, April 12-15, 2007, pp 1084-1087.


Urbanska A. M., Bhathena J., and Prakash Satya (2007). Live encapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus cells in yogurts for therapeutic oral delivery: preparation and in-vitro analysis of alginate-chitosan microcapsules. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2007 Sep;85(9):884-93.

Bisi Lawuyi, Hongmei Chen, Fatemeh Afkhami, Arun Kulamarva, Satya Prakash(2007) Microencapsulation of engineered Lactococcus lactis in alginate-poly-l-lysine-alginate capsules for heterologous protein delivery. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 142, 1, 71-80.

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Satya Prakash and Arun Kulamarva (2007). Recent advances in drug delivery: Carbon nanotube formulations. Recent patents in drug delivery formulations 1(3): 214-221

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Bhathena J., Kulamarva A. Urbanska Aleksandra Malgorzata, Martoni Christopher, and Prakash* S. (2007).Preparation and in-vitro analysis of microencapsulated live Lactobacillus fermentum 11976 for augmentation of feruloyl esterase in the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. Jul 20.

Aleksandra Malgorzata Urbanska, Jasmine Bhathena, and Satya Prakash* (2007). Live encapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus cells in yogurts for therapeutic oral delivery: preparation and in-vitro analysis of alginate-chitosan microcapsules. International Journal of Prebiotics and Probiotics. 3, Aug. 225-229.

Manisha Tiwari and Ramesh Chandra Sujata K. Das and Satya Prakash*(2007). Tin Mesoporphyrin in Conjunction with Retinoic Acid Reverses the Retinoic Acid Induced Enhancement of Phospholipase A2 Activity in vivo in Rats. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitute and Biotechnology. 35: 1-11.

Hongmei Chen, Mitchell L Jones, Wei Ouyang, Terrence Metz, Christopher Martoni, Tasima Haque, Rebecca Cohen, Bisi Lawuyi, and Satya Prakash* (2007). Preparation and characterization of novel polymeric microcapsules for live cell encapsulation and therapy. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. Vol., 47, Issue No.1, 158-162.

Afkhami F, Ouyang W, Chen H, Lawuyi B, Lim T, Prakash*, S.(2007). Impact of orally administered microcapsules on gastrointestinal microbial flora: in-vitro investigation using computer controlled dynamic human gastrointestinal model. Artificial Cells Blood Substitute Immobilization Biotechnology. 35(4):359-75.


L. Malic, B. Cui, T. Veres and M. Tabrizian (2007), "Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Detection of DNA Hybridization on Periodic Gold Nanoposts", Opt. Let., 32(21) 3092-94.

M. Herrmann, E. Roy, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Microfluidic ELISA on non-passivated PDMS chip using magnetic bead transfer inside dual networks of channels", Lab. Chip, 7:1546-52.

M. Sandros, M. Behrendt, D. Maysinger, M. Tabrizian (2007), "InGaP@ZnS-enriched chitosan nanoparticles: A new versatile fluorescent probe for deep tissue imaging", Advanced Functional Materials, 17(18):3724-30.

D. Dziong, P. Bagnaninchi, R.E. Kearney, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Nondestructive On-line in-vitro Monitoring of Pre-Osteoblast Cell Proliferation within Micro-Porous Polymer Scaffolds", IEEE-Transaction of Nanoscience, 6(3), 349-258.

X.D. Hoa, A.G. Kirk, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Toward Integrated Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors: A Review of Recent Progress", Bioelectronics and Biosensors, 23, 151-160.

S. Faghihi, F. Azari, A. P. Zhilyaev, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian (2007) "Cellular and molecular interactions between MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts and nanostructured titanium produced by high-pressure torsion", Biomaterials, 8(27):3887-95.

S. Faghihi, F. Azari, A. P. Zhilyaev, J. A. Szpunar, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Nanostructured titanium produced by high pressure torsion increases the expression of fibronectin and vinculin to promote the pre-osteoblast adhesion and growth", Advanced Materials, 19 (8):1069-1073.

L. Malic, M. Herrmann, X. D. Hoa, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Current State of Intellectual Property in Microfluidic Nucleic Acid Analysis", Recent Patents on Engineering, 1:71-88.

M. Herrmann, E. Roy, M. Tabrizian, T. Veres (2007), "Microfluidic ELISA using magnetic beads and pressure valves to reduce noise caused by non-specific adsorption", Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 661-663.

L. Malic, B. Cui, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian (2007), "Nanostructure Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Detection of DNA Hybridization", Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 442-444.

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