
Directive from Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance

New directive regarding airfare bookings on operating funds | Nouvelles consignes relatives aux frais de vol payés à même les fonds de fonctionnement

Sent: Wed 11/30/2016 10:04 AM by MRO şŁ˝ÇÉçÇř Staff to All şŁ˝ÇÉçÇř Staff

La version française suit la version anglaise.

Message sent on behalf of Morty Yalovsky, Interim Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance.

Ce message vous est transmis au nom de Morty Yalovsky, vice-principal par intérim, administration et finances.


Dear colleagues,

I would like to introduce and ask for your adherence to the Travel Regulation which is based on the Expense Reimbursement Policy and input from the community.ĚýĚýĚý

Vision Travel in Montreal has been selected and contracted as the University’s Travel Management Company through the public tendering process according to the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies (Act C-65.1).

As part of a gradual rollout, starting December 5, 2016, all units reporting to the Office of the Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance will be required to use Vision Travel for all new airfare bookings.

Please note that airfares purchased prior to December 5, 2016 will not be affected.

Other areas will be added to the gradual roll-out in the following weeks and months.

Travel spend using research and contract Funds (2F and 2M) is not required to use this service provider, although all şŁ˝ÇÉçÇř travelers are encouraged to do so. Vision Travel offers personal service by a travel consultant as well as an online booking tool (VisionLink).

The payment methods for airfare purchases will continue, for the time being, to be the same as current practice.

Gloria Bachar, Travel Program Manager, will be communicating the details of the booking process to you. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to send your inquiries to Feedback.

I thank you for your collaboration throughout this transition period.

Chers et chères collègues,

Je vous informe par la prĂ©sente de l’entrĂ©e en vigueur du «ĚýTravel RegulationĚý», Ă©dictĂ© en vertu de la «ĚýExpense Reimbursement PolicyĚý» et reflĂ©tant les observations de la communautĂ© mcgilloise.

Au terme d’un processus d’appel d’offres menĂ© conformĂ©ment aux dispositions de la Loi sur les contrats des organismes publicsĚý(loiĚýC-65.1), l’UniversitĂ© a retenu les services de «ĚýVisionĚýTravelĚý», agence de gestion de voyages de MontrĂ©al.

Ainsi, Ă  compter du 5ĚýdĂ©cembreĚý2016, les unitĂ©s relevant du Bureau du vice-principal, administration et finances, devront faire toutes leurs rĂ©servations de vol auprès de «ĚýVisionĚýTravelĚý».

Veuillez noter que ces nouvelles dispositions ne s’appliquent pas aux rĂ©servations faites avant le 5ĚýdĂ©cembreĚý2016.

Les autres unités s’ajouteront graduellement au fil des semaines et des mois à venir.

Si les frais de dĂ©placement sont portĂ©s Ă  un fonds de recherche ou Ă  un fonds contractuel (2F et 2M), le recours Ă  ce fournisseur n’est pas obligatoire; nous recommandons nĂ©anmoins cette agence Ă  toutes les personnes voyageant pour le compte de l’UniversitĂ©ĚýşŁ˝ÇÉçÇř. «ĚýVisionĚýTravelĚý» propose les services personnalisĂ©s d’un conseiller en voyages ainsi qu’un outil de rĂ©servation en ligne (VisionLink).

Pour l’instant, les modes de paiement des frais de vol demeurent les mêmes.

GloriaĚýBachar, Chef, Programme de gestion des voyages, vous transmettra de plus amples renseignements sur le processus de rĂ©servation. Si vous avez des questions d’ici lĂ , n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  nous Ă©crire.

Je vous remercie de votre collaboration pendant la période de transition.


Important notice for international travelers

The Government of Canada provides essential information on and preventive measures to keep you safe during your travels. It is important to review the each time before you book your travels. Under the Public Health Agency of Canada outline potential health risks to Canadian travelers and recommend ways to help reduce them.


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